Perspective From low to HIGH

In this article it is about how I learned to get motivation to learn more to live better. I just found out the following steps  or recognized it again. So I write this for everyone who might help but especially for me. So when I fall in the whole again, I have a receipy which helped me once, so it will help again, if something happens again. To be clear I am still in the proccess to apply those to me, so I can just write my experience till now.

So the following methods helped me to think more positive and feel happier than before. Live in the future. Not get stuck in the past, which is already over and cannot be changed. Of course the following methods are not working for everyone nor in every situation. Try it and you find out if it helps you to get more motivated, find more things you like, try more and live more!

The following methods I found in the book  "You are the Placebo" by Joe Dispenza:

1. Vision your Visions  

In this method you are thinking and vision about the most important perspective you want to become in the future.You can write it down and vision it whlie you are meditation or create a vision board

 2. Ask yourself open questions

Ask yourself questions regarding your vision in each perspective of your life. Espacially think about the best version of what you are asking yourself. It is important that you ask yourself an open question, so your mind gets a new input more creativity and most important it is in the future and not the past. So it is possible to live in the future to make it the present. Otherwise it wont change, because thinking in the past would never change anything.

  1. What would be to have the healthiest body?
  2. What would be to have an awesome relationship?
  3. What would be a  the best tidily person?

With those simple methods I get much more motivation during the day and have more energy to create things. My mind thinks about more things I want to do.

Daily and specific improvements from myself:

  • I get up much earlier than before
  • I think more in creating new things I want to reach than consuming
  • I am more motivated during the day
  • I am more focused about my perspective, so I dont worry less about other opinions

That is a short view how I get a much better perspective during my day and I am more excited creating new things. Also this post I am sure I would have never written without the small changes I made.

Next step I want to work on 5 small thinkgs a day which brings me to one of my vision!

Thanks for reading!


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